It's the end of the summer, which means it's time for summer sales (¡Liquidaciones!). Some stuff in this country is super cheap, and that includes all things Talbots and Route 66. Hollar at your girl if you're interested and I'll head over to the not-so-fancy mall (aka the bus station) and pick you up anything your heart desires. So much for culture shock, right?
Ok, that is a lie. I am definitely experiencing something. I don't know if it's culture shock or big city shock, but it manifests itself at bizarre times and usually results in me mustering every bit of self-control (which is not much, let's be honest) to keep my opinions to myself. In times of great discomfort, I find myself desiring to calm my nerves with a vanilla latte from Starbucks (go on, judge me!) while scratching my puppy's head, but neither exists in this country. I must, therefore, practice deep breaths and remember what Karen has been trying to teach me about considering uncomfortable situations an opportunity to practice my self-control. I've been good so far, but it's hard sometimes when people keep touching me! I never realized how American I am until I found myself pulling away from people I'm talking with because everytime they want to tell me something, they grab me...and by grab I mean touch me affectionately. But I am not accustomed to this! I believe that has been the phrase I have repeated most in this country. But it's cool because I still love it here, and I aspire to become warmer and more patient while I'm Uruguay. I would also like to take this time to tell you all thank you for loving me despite these flaws of mine.
After just 5 weeks here, I think I'm already becoming more Uruguayan. I walk tons every day. I walked more than 12 miles yesterday! My legs are in pretty good shape, just like other Uruguayans who walk everywhere, but now I blend in even better because I still haven't lost all the weight I gained eating partially cooked fried chicken and rice with mayonnaise at Olga's. I've got what you might call a pooch (panza, in Spanish), so you can just call me Muffin-top Murphy. Rotary told me to become immersed in the culture, so that's what Muffy is doing! Dulce de leche is my partner in crime. If you have never experienced the joy that is dulce de leche, never fear, I'm gonna bring home a big vat of it! Now that I think of it, I've been running just about every day (and I even joined the YMCA here!), so I probably worked off that fried food long ago. My panza is 100% dulce de leche! I'm about to go to my first Rotaract meeting, where there is sure to be a cornucopia of dulce de leche delights!
Before I go, I have one last important update. Mom, don't freak out but I'm moving into my own apartment in 2 weeks! I'm super stoked! It's literally half a block from my university, half a block from the National Library, a block and a half from the Y (la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes: ACJ) and, as the real estate agent was so kind to point out to this gringuita, McDonald's is right across the street! I've got a chair in the living room that becomes a twin bed and a fancy white leather couch just waiting for all those who are planning to visit! Also, my kitchen table chairs are leopard print. Soooo, see you soon? I love my apartment, but I don't have internet, so I can't tell y'all to expect daily posts once I move in. Lame, I know. This is so much harder than I ever thought it would be!
I'm having a hard time uploading images today. I think it's because there are a lot of people in the internet café (cyber, in Uruguayan) right now and they're bogging down the system (sistema). I'll post a plethora of pictures soon, I promise! As always, I miss you all and love you! Don't take for granted your hot showers, long phone calls, poop-free sidewalks, email access, salt & pepper (together, as they should be), insulated walls, double-paned windows and fitted sheets! I hope y'all are all having a lovely winter. As for me, I went to the beach in Punta del Este last week and I'm going to the beach in Montevideo this weekend! LOVE YOU!
Yours truly,
Also, if I don't post anything tomorrow, I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER ROGERS! I love you, miss!
ReplyDeleteSometimes, you just don't want poop on your sidewalks. I understand.
I miss you and LOVED your entry. It takes me back.
Keep it up - you've got fans!
I'm a fan, too!! although i just came here to complain how you haven't been blogging, but you have... i thought i signed up for alerts or something.
ReplyDeletei miss you muffy!!!